Investing in B2B Sales Data: Costs, Sources, Prospecting Values

Make Your Messaging More Personal

Personalized messaging is crucial for connecting with prospects and driving B2B conversions. Using data, sales teams can craft custom outreach that speaks directly to a potential customer’s needs and interests.

Analyzing website behavior, social media activity, and previous interactions helps you understand their pain points and preferences so you can emphasize the most relevant ways your offering solves their problems.

Scenario-based personalization templates also help you create tailored messages for each contact. The goal is to show that you recognize what they’re going through, and have the perfect solution at hand.

Use Predictive Analytics To Make Precise Targets

Predictive analytics uses statistical models and machine learning to predict future outcomes. In B2B sales, this means sales reps can pinpoint which prospects are most likely to be high-value and target them specifically.

Combining attributes like demographics, firmographics, intent signals, and engagement data into propensity models gives each prospect a score based on how likely they are to convert into a customer.

With these scores at hand, sales teams save time by reaching out only to leads with high conversion potential. This improves productivity while keeping numbers up in the pipeline.

Three Types Of Data Every B2B Sales Team Needs

Elevate your B2B sales strategy by integrating comprehensive data into your prospecting and sales meeting setup processes. With the right data-driven approach, your sales team can identify high-potential prospects, personalize outreach efforts, and orchestrate successful meetings that drive tangible results.

Firmographic data details company attributes like industry type or number of employees that’ll help you determine whether they match your ideal customer profile. Other attributes like ownership structure or market share will provide a comprehensive picture for custom outreach purposes.

Technographic Data shows what technologies prospects use and what software they’re running. This information is key to understanding their technical fit and readiness for solutions. With insight into their existing tech stack and infrastructure, you can supply custom messaging for integration or migration purposes.

Recency Data consists of past purchase history and cadence, which helps inform cross-sell and upsell opportunities. Your team can optimize outreach timing to align with budget planning and upgrades by looking at the intervals between purchases. Recent purchases could also indicate satisfaction as well as potential referrals.

Engagement data tracks prospect interactions across channels – website visits, content downloads, email opens/clicks, and event sign-ups that reveal level of interest. Lead scoring models using this data allow sales teams to gauge readiness and prioritize the hottest prospects for immediate outreach. High engagement signifies sales-ready prospects.  

Intent data captures prospect actions that indicate readiness to buy like requesting demos or pricing. It enables focus on high-intent leads primed for outreach and advancement along the sales funnel. Strong intent data reduces sales cycle length to drive faster deal velocity.

Firmographics Data

Firmographic data are attributes relating to a prospective company’s organization and operations. Important firmographic details include:

Firmographic data are attributes relating to a prospect company’s organization and operations. Important firmographic details provide a 360-degree view of prospects to inform sales strategy.

Industry: The prospect’s industry vertical (e.g. healthcare, manufacturing, finance) allows for industry-specific messaging that speaks to common pain points. Granular industry classification enables micro-vertical targeting.  

Company size: Number of employees indicates deal size and required sales resource allocation. Revenue ranges dictate pricing tiers and packaging options to showcase. Identifying growing companies allows targeting of new budgets.

Location: Geographic presence, office locations and distribution can dictate regional sales strategy and localization needs. Expansion plans indicate new territory opportunities.  

Revenue: This provides an estimate of the overall budget size and purchasing power across departments. Revenue sources and profitability reveal priority areas for investment.

Funding and growth trends: Signals commercial health, stability, future trajectory and ability to deliver ROI. For high-growth companies, speed to value is key.

Firmographic segmentation enables precise targeting of prospects by industry, size, location and other attributes aligned to your ideal customer profile.

Account Hierarchies

Understanding a prospect’s organizational structure and decision-making hierarchy is crucial for sales targeting and stakeholder mapping.

Leadership Team And Executives: The titles, responsibilities, or backgrounds of C-suite positions help identify economic buyers with spending authority and their priorities.

Influencers And Recommenders: Roles like project managers, IT personnel, and finance leaders impact purchasing decisions, too—tailor messaging to their requirements or concerns.

End-Users: Personas that will directly utilize your product/service — understand their workflows & showcase operational improvements they’ll appreciate.

Charting the hierarchies clarifies exactly who & how to pitch value in order build consensus across the buying committee.

Contact data

Quality contact data is the fuel for executing targeted outreach at scale. Essential contact data points encompass:

Names And Job Titles: Precisely identifies economic buyers, influencers & decision makers for individualized nurturing

Email Addresses: Enables direct outreach for lead engagement at each targeted persona — verified emails improve deliverability.

Phone Numbers: Facilitates cold calling and lead qualification via two-way conversation — direct dials boost connection rates.

Social Media Profiles: Channels like LinkedIn enable personalized, scalable nurturing and relationship-building for awareness.

With direct contact data on all key roles, sales teams can drive highly targeted, omnichannel prospect engagement across each buying committee member.

Technology information

Technographic data is a kind of data that shows the systems, software and tools that prospective clients are using.

CRM, Marketing And Sales Tools: This will help you identify existing sales/marketing solutions used by prospects for comparison selling based on features and capabilities. The integration needs will also influence vendor selection.

Operations Software And Systems: This helps you see the operational infrastructure including ERP, analytics, and internal platforms for tailored product integration messaging. Legacy compatibility is key.  

Web Analytics: It reveals insights into website traffic, conversions, and digital campaigns to showcase marketing technology integration and campaign performance improvements.  

Apis And Developer Tools: It signals technical capabilities which can be useful in assessing implementation readiness. Please note that available resources and bandwidth influences solution configuration needs and rollout pace.  

Updated technographic profiles help sellers understand how their solution complements or enhances the prospect’s existing tech stack so they can make a strategic pitch focused on efficiency gains.

Intent data  

Buyer intent data captures all actions taken by a potential customer that suggest they’re ready to buy something. Tracking this helps prioritize which accounts to reach out to.

Website Activity: Visits to pricing or product pages signify interest in capabilities and commercials. Extended time on key pages implies engagement with content; this also reveals topic priority.

Content Access: Downloading case studies, eBooks around key challenges or even technical reports indicate consideration/education motives; material type/topic choices can offer solution insights too.

Social media Follows: Following company/product profiles shows awareness/mindshare; social engagement levels/content clicks indicate brand sentiment/traction.

Email Engagement: Opening emails/clicking specific links displays attention/readership around topics; message copy performance also indicates messaging resonance.

Event Registration: Signing up for webinar/demo signals consideration/gates for vendor contact; event topic alignment showcases relevancy/personalized talking points.

Granular intent tracking helps sales teams identify precise prospect needs/timing so they can tailor messaging that moves accounts to close faster.

Customer Journey Stage

Each prospect is at a different stage in their customer journey. Figuring out what stage they’re at helps sales teams match targeted messaging to guide them towards making a purchase.

Awareness Signals: Indications of problem recognition, such as consuming relevant content around issues/costs; early-stage education is key.

Consideration Actions: Research solutions, compare vendors, and read reviews that focus on functionality; competitive positioning messaging sways decisions.  

Decision Cues: Engaging sales to discuss pricing/implementation/security requirements etc.; proposal and procurement details become priority.

Customer Indicators: Making the actual purchase, onboarding, integration with current systems; account management and exec sponsorship ensure retention.  

Tracking stage changes allows the sales motions to evolve from high level education to nuts-and-bolts negotiations as prospects move closer to purchase.

There Are Many Ways To Use Sales Data

When it comes to making sales, many things can go wrong. However, if you have the right information, you can ensure everything goes right.

It Helps With Prospecting

Knowing exactly who to target and when is essential. You can pick out which prospects should be yours with detailed firmographic, technographic, and intent data.

It Identifies New Opportunities

Your relationships with clients don’t have to stop as soon as they buy from you for the first time. In fact, using their history and recency data will signal when they’re ready for an upsell or cross-sell.

It Supports Decision-Making

The more information you have about your clients’ journeys, the better choices you’ll be able to make in optimizing processes and GTM strategies.

It Empowers Sales Forecasts

Predictive analytics might not be perfect, but they’re close enough to give you a pretty accurate forecast of your business’s future success.

Tracks Performance With Accuracy

No matter what part of your operation you need eyes on, sales analytics can offer insights by channel or rep.


We now live in a world where having access to as much information as possible is key. B2B sales teams who know how to properly leverage firmographic, technographic intent and behavior data see huge gains all around.

Productivity increases across the board as long as this data is used to inform decisions at every step of the process—from targeting to nurturing. The only thing left is for companies like ours to start investing in this sort of information so we can grow faster than ever before.

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