Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies as an Instrument of Crime in Cyberspace


Bitcoin is a virtual currency that has acquired great value in recent years. Find out how it works, how to buy it, how much it costs and why its price moves so much in the markets. Bitcoin has revolutionised the financial world . Not just companies and investors, but even countries. Some, like El Salvador, are in its favour and use it as a legal tender.

Others, like China, are against it and apply strict regulations to limit its use. The fact is that the word Bitcoin is fashionable and it is impossible not to have heard it. Where was this asset born? What is it ? How does it work ? How much is it worth ?  Here we tell you.

Origin of bitcoin:

Cryptocurrency was born in 2009, when someone with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto emailed an article to experts in cryptography and digital code. Decentralised application development, I have described the characteristics of this digital money and attached a code with which to carry out the so-called ‘mining’ of this virtual currency, the process to validate and carry out the transactions. Still today, Nakamoto’s identity and whether he is a single person or a group of them is unknown.

The idea of ​​​​having a safe currency outside the system and the control of the banks caused a furor. More and more people adopted it to make transactions, and little by little it became popular.

How does Bitcoin work?

 And what is the blockchain? It is difficult to offer a simple explanation, so let’s take an example instead. Imagine that the Internet is a school playground. There, the children exchange stamps, food or toys, but all transactions are carried out under the control of the teacher, who keeps a commission.

One day, the children decide to ‘decentralise’ their exchanges, and create a common and transparent account book. This book is made up of identical blocks or nodes, where the exchange information is updated automatically, and each child has access to one of them.

They cannot be manipulated or falsified, and a central authority is no longer necessary. Simplifying, the blockchain is a public, transparent, secure database that is in the hands of all users who want to use it to exchange information, goods or services.

“This is what makes it so safe, because the only way for these types of operations to be credited is for all of us to have the same copies,” says Maximiliano Hinz, head of operations at Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange platform.

Virtual currencies have prospered thanks to this blockchain system, and Bitcoin is the one with the highest value and the one with the highest adoption. It is the first use case of blockchain technology globally, and it is “super secure, there has never been a case of duplicate operations on the blockchain,” says Hinz.

How much is a Bitcoin worth?

One of the main debates is whether bitcoin has the characteristics of traditional money and whether it can be a legal tender such as the dollar, the euro or the peso. Critics say no, because its price fluctuates wildly: one day it can go up 30%, but the next it can drop 20%. In April, the cryptocurrency reached a record of 63,410.3 dollars per bitcoin (approximately 1.3 million pesos), and by that time, its price had risen 800% in 12 months. Since then, the price has fallen 50%, to around $33,000.

What can I buy with Bitcoin?

At the moment, you can’t buy anything with bitcoins. As with any other currency, it depends on whether the person offering the service or product you want to buy accepts them. And yet, many companies (and many people) do not accept it. But more and more companies do. At the moment, these are some of the places where bitcoins are accepted as payment in Mexico: the Veterans of the Revolution Primary School, in Nuevo León; the Alin’s Bar and the Tonala Cinema in Mexico City.

How to buy Bitcoin in Mexico

Bitcoin is not a physical currency, there is no issuer like a bank that people can go to get it. It is still possible to ‘mine’ them, although it is a very complex process, but if you are just looking to invest in this cryptocurrency, Decentralised finance development company the easiest way is through investment platforms.

Among the most popular platforms are Binance, Bitso or eToro. And it is not always necessary to spend thousands of dollars: there are instruments that replicate the movement of bitcoin, but for only a fraction of its price.

As adoption grows, people’s interest in investing in this cryptocurrency also increases, but like any other asset, specialists recommend researching what you are going to invest in, knowing its risks and not betting all your assets on it. “It is not to put the whole fortune, but apart,” says Molina.

Cryptographic money: importance and definition

A cryptographic money, once in a while called a cryptographic money or cryptoasset, is any type of cash that exists carefully or essentially, and utilises cryptography to safeguard exchanges. Digital currencies don’t have a focal administrative or giving power; all things considered, they utilise a decentralised framework to record exchanges and issue new units.

What is cryptographic money?

Cryptographic money is a computerised instalment framework that doesn’t depend on banks to check exchanges. It is a shared framework that can permit anybody anyplace to send and get instalments . Rather than actual cash that is shipped and traded in reality.

Cryptographic money instalments exist exclusively as advanced passages coordinated to a web-based data set depicting explicit exchanges. At the point when you move digital currency reserves, the exchanges are kept in a public record. Cryptographic forms of money are put away in computerised wallets.

Digital forms of money get their name since they use encryption to check exchanges. This implies that cutting-edge encryption is expected to store and communicate digital currency information among wallets and to public records. The motivation behind encryption is to give security.

The principal cryptographic money was Bitcoin , which was established in 2009 and stays the most well known cash right up to the present day. A significant part of the interest in digital forms of money comes from exchanging, taking into account that examiners once in a while drive costs up pointedly.

How do cryptographic forms of money function?

Cryptographic forms of money work on a circulated public record called a blockchain, a record of all exchanges held and refreshed by coin proprietors.

Cryptographic money units are made through an interaction called mining, which includes utilising processing influence to take care of confounded numerical issues that produce coins. Clients can likewise purchase the monetary forms from specialists, then, at that point, store and spend them through crypto wallets.

In the event that you own digital money, you have nothing substantial. What you have is a key that permits you to move a record or unit of measure starting with one individual then onto the next without confiding in an outsider.

Despite the fact that Bitcoin has been around since around 2009, cryptographic forms of money and blockchain innovation applications keep on arising in monetary terms, with more utilisation anticipated from here on out. Exchanges incorporate securities, stocks, and other monetary resources that can ultimately be exchanged utilising the innovation.

Instances of digital forms of money

There are a huge number of digital currencies. Coming up next are the absolute generally perceived:


Established in 2009, Bitcoin was the primary cryptographical money and stays the most ordinarily exchanged cash. The coin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, which is viewed as a pen name for an individual or gathering whose exact personality stays obscure.


 It is the most well known digital currency after Bitcoin.


This cash is basically the same as Bitcoin; notwithstanding, it has gained quicker headway to foster new advancements, including quicker instalments and cycles to empower more exchanges.


Swell is a disseminated record framework established in 2012. Wave can be utilised to follow a wide range of kinds of exchanges, not simply digital forms of money. The organisation responsible for it worked with different banks and monetary establishments. Cryptographic forms of money other than Bitcoin are altogether known as “altcoins” to recognize them from the first cash.

How to purchase digital forms of money?

Unquestionably you can’t help thinking about how to securely purchase cryptographic forms of money. This normally includes three stages. Following are these means:

Stage 1: Pick a stage

 For the most part, you can pick either a customary specialist or a devoted digital currency trade:

Conventional specialists: These are online dealers that offer techniques to trade digital forms of money, notwithstanding other monetary resources like securities, stocks, and trade exchanged reserves (ETFs). These stages normally offer lower exchanging costs, however less crypto highlights.

Cryptographic money packs: There are numerous cryptographic money trades to browse, each offering different digital currencies, wallet capacity, premium acquiring account choices, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Many trades charge resource based expenses.

While looking at changed stages, consider what cryptographic forms of money are on offer, what expenses they charge, what their security highlights are, their stockpiling and withdrawal choices, and any instructive assets they have.

Stage 2: Asset your record

Whenever you have picked your foundation, the following stage is to support your record so you can begin exchanging. Most cryptographic money trades permit clients to buy cryptographic forms of money utilising fiat (ie, official) monetary standards, like the US dollar, English pound, or euro, Blockchain utilising their charge or Visas. In any case, this is stage subordinate.

Digital currency buys with charge cards are viewed as dangerous and a few trades don’t uphold this. Some charge card organisations likewise don’t permit cryptographic money exchanges. This is on the grounds that digital currencies are excessively unstable and it isn’t fitting to risk straying into the red (or conceivably paying huge Mastercard exchange charges) for specific resources.

 Acknowledged instalment strategies and the time it takes for stores or withdrawals fluctuate by stage. Likewise, the time it takes for stores to turn relies upon the instalment strategy.

Stage 3: put in a request

You can put in a request through the web or versatile foundation of your representative or trade. In the event that you intend to purchase digital currency, you can do as such by choosing “purchase”, picking the kind of request, entering how much cryptographic money you wish to purchase, and affirming the request. A similar interaction applies to “sell” orders.

There are likewise alternate ways of putting resources into cryptographic forms of money. These consolidate portion organisations like PayPal, Cash Application and Venmo, which grant clients to buy, sell or hold computerised monetary forms. Moreover, there are the accompanying speculation vehicles:

Bitcoin Credits:

You can purchase portions of Bitcoin Credits through a customary investment fund. These vehicles furnish retail financial backers with openness to digital currencies through the securities exchange.

Bitcoin Common Assets:

There are Bitcoin Trade Exchanged Assets (ETFs) and Bitcoin Shared Assets to browse.

Blockchain stocks or ETFs:

You can likewise put straightforwardly in digital forms of money through blockchain organisations that work in the innovation behind digital forms of money and digital currency exchanges. On the other hand, you can purchase stocks or ETFs from organisations that utilise blockchain innovation.

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